Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dhupjhora - Hartaal & Neya

We reached Dhupjhora Elephant Camp, Gorumara Reserve Forest after travelling about 75 kilometers from Siliguri through the nostalgic Doors road. We took a break as usual at Malbazar to satisfy our quest for one of the test road side eatery food there. With plenty of fishes & mutton consumed with profuse glee we leisurely traveled the remaining distance after taking the state road leaving the national highway. We reached Dhupjhora around 3 pm and immediately fell in love with the camp as it spread out in front of us. Once we certify ourselves at the reception we had been taken asked to follow a tall and thin fellow towards our destination - "Teesta", a Gachh-Bari or Tree House.

He is Hartaal (meaning strike) - why no one knows, but he is comfortable with that. Hartaal greets us once we arrived Gachhbari at Dhupjhora beat. A thin, tall man with charming smile and watery eyes announcing that he is Hartaal, took all our bags at one go & move towards the farthest corner of the campus where we are supposed to be during our trip - Teesta.

We are looking for some of tea when Hartaal came running & asked us to go to the dining area for the same. We went, sat & came Neya - the deceptively small, lazy & ridiculously funny pariah puppy - adopted & christened by Hartaal as Neya. It's funny as both Hartaal & Neya are similar in enjoying their respective life. Both of them own the campus & treat everyone else as working on salary or visitors who pay & stay. You cannot move an eyelid without their approval - either before hand or post facto. Hartaal - is he drink water? Neya - who give food? no one answers but when Meghlal & Surya - both pachyderm of enviable size walk towards Murti for daily bath - Hartaal & Neya will definitely keep sharp eyes to protect the poor pachyderm from any evil. Only the guide Bhupesh or the guards most of the time unable to assess the proprietorial responsibilities of Neya & Hartaal disapprove of their presence & lamely try to whisk them away unnecessarily & unsuccessfully.

Hartaal & Neya - possibly the most enviable assets of Gachhbari at Dhupjhora beat.

Hartaal & Neya still strongly invade my thoughts, alluring me to run to Gachhbari, sit with them on the Murti bed, drink local with hot & spicy meat fry, slowly entering into their world of peace!!!!!!!!